The American Dream (self-titled)
Todd Rundgren produced this lost Philadelphia band’s only album back in 1970 off the Ampex record label. The American Dream’s album blends power pop, lite psychedelia, blazing hard rockers, folk-rock and roots music effectively throughout its 12 songs (almost 50 minutes of good music!).
Key influences are not a surprise, as listeners may hear strands of Crosby Stills Nash and Young, the Nazz, and the Beatles. The playing is full of youthful energy and the band manages to balance out hard rockers with attractive folk-rock power ballads. Raspberries has a slight psychedelic hangover, as it begins with a phased drum intro and showcases some wigged out guitar playing. Other quality songs like the Other Side, Storm (full of great Beatles-like melodies), I Ain’t Searchin’ and I Am You are predominately acoustic, tastefully arranged and have some great hook laden CSNY harmonies. Good News, a song that begins with a telephone conversation, eventually segues into some pretty country-rock harmonies. It’s a typical relationship hard rocker in which the band humorously shouts out “don’t be a jerkoff” at the end of the chorus. The third track of the original lp is the real highlight of this very solid collection. Big Brother has classic late 60’s psych lyrics (“listen to the words he is saying, conjuring the games he is playing”) and intense early Who power chords (it really sounds like an excellent Nazz outtake) that make it a real killer and a treat for fans of British rock.
The American Dream stood out from the local crowd with their strong, exciting songwriting and 3 guitar lineup. From this point, my knowledge of the American Dream ends. Can anyone provide further info on this great lost American band? Were there prior or post American Dream bands and did they release any singles or albums?
“Big Brother”
Original Vinyl | 1970 | Ampex | search ebay ]
[ American Dream on Myspace ]
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As far as I know this was the only album the band released. Nick Jameson went on to play with Foghat and released an amazing solo album in October 1977 called Already Free. In 1998 they have a reunion in Philly and another one in 2000 for Earth Day. Don Lee Van Winkle played a lot in the 80’s and released a solo album called Fallin’ Idol in 1999. Jameson has gone on to a successful career in TV, movies and voiceover work. If you watch 24, Jameson played the Russian president on last year’s series – it was a pretty significant role. There’s a cool story about Jameson at this link –
Thanks for the response, its greatly appreciated. I never knew a member of the American Dream played in Foghat. I only know Foghat’s well known singles that are played on the local classic rock radio station. I am not too familar with the 60’s Philly scene though I do know another great unknown psych era band, the Mandrake Memorial – though these guys were supposedly popular in Philly. I like this band quite a bit and also love the Nazz and early Todd Rundgren. Once again, thanks for the link and I will have to check out the Nick Jameson solo disc. Feel free to drop a line any time!
Jason N
Winkle continues to play in and around the Philadelphia area. I worked with him in the 80’s and early 90’s as “Dave Rock” to his “Don Roll” (no kiddin’), and his band Winkle and the Wanderers was filled with talent in the mid-eighties as well.
My band from the late sixties was The Sugar Blues Band; our median age was 16, we never recorded a thing but we did open for this band (The American Dream) at The Electric Circus in NYC. It was quite a thrill. We were a bit intimidated I must say!! I put their name into Google and was pleasantly surprised to find this site!
Hey this is Don Ferris, i was the bass player for The American Dream.To say the least bit I’am basically still stuck in the stone age with technology and just out of curiousity had my son run a search to See what he could find about my old band.I was amazed to find what i found.Some of you even informed me of what a few of my old frienda have been up to! If anyone has any questions,comments, or whatever just send me an email or ill check back on this site. Im glad i found this site
Reading all this sure has brought back many missed memories!
Don Ferris,
I was a big American Dream fan back in the 60’s and 70’s.I stiill have that only album and remember buying it at a hip little mall that was built into an old parking garage on Sansom St.
Those were the days.
You guys opened for everybody. Saw you open for Iron Butterfly at The Allentown Agricultural Hall and also on a Saturday at The Atlantic City Pop Festival in 1969. Also many, many gigs at
The Old Electric Factory at 22nd and Arch and Fairmount Park.
I lived in Reading, PA back then and I used to do a light show at the PAL building on Walnut St. I believe Will Nally or Richard Brown who ran that venue at different times also booked your band for some shows at the City Park Bandshell in Reading.
I was always there doing some job or another.
I went on to be a keyboard player in a bunch of local bar bands and at one point I instigated a band I was in to cover a couple of Dream songs. So where are you at now and do you still play ?
I’m at and would be glad to hear from you ! it’s been a long time.
Around mid 70s Micky Brooks (drumer) Ran a bar in Ne Philly called the Sand Trap Tavern
it was a local hot spot for a bit. However micky passed away from a drug over dose.
He was a good heart and friend.
The American Dream was a fantastic rock band – full of character and talent (listen to the bass playing and drumming on ‘Big Brother’ to see what I mean) . I would go so far as to say that they were one of the great American bands. They were a little like Moby Grape in certain respects (with the three guitar line up and strong rhythm section and harmonies) but more versatile and with a lot more humour.
Sad to hear about Mickey Brooks passing away – he was a great drummer, a bit like a cross between Henry ‘H-Bomb’ Weck (of Brownsville Station) and Keith Moon, an explosive and dynamic player. Don Ferris was a very strong bass player who played in a driving style, a little like Greg Arama of the Amboy Dukes. And the three front guys and guitarists (Nick Jameson, Nick Indelicato, and Don Lee van Winkle) were simply marvellous and full of good humour, too. Yes, one of the great bands with so much going for them musically.
I came across the single ” I Ain’t Serching” here in Europe and loved it . It was an import that I found in a second hand store. As it was on a major label Ampex , I hoped that one day I could obtain the album on 12 vinyl. However, I never did find any trace of it. I wonder if the album will ever be issued on CD ? From the strength of the singel, this must certianly be one of the great lost treasues …………………………
I’m listening to the vinyl copy of the American Dream as i write this.I grew up in SE Jersey and this band was the first band to grab me by the balls,If you took a look around the scenery at the time bands like Humble Pie and Foghat stole there thunder..”My Babe”..they did first..interesting how Nick J had a lot to do with “Fool for the City”..I’m in Texas now and that’s MANY years ago..Don,we hung out in Cherry Hill around ’74-’75 with a guy called Don Train before I ejected to Atlanta.BUT..The BEST song they did live was a song called “Fishkin Blues”..KILLER track that never got released…PS…Spooky Tooth,Humble Pie AND Argent..all opened for them..what great memories from a great band…So sorry to hear about Micky..a great drummer..and what about Nicky and Don Lee these days??
I grew up listining to the American Dream practicing in Micky Brooks’s driveway. I lived right behind him. His brother Gibby was a friend of my brother. Both of them died before their time. WE USED TO GO TO THE Sand Trap all the time. Another hang out was Len’s Feed Bag run by Floss. Her son Zube was part of the gang, I could go on and on. Does anybody remember these places?
Hey, So glad this site is here and that Don Ferris joined in quite some time ago. I’m 42 yrs old, so you know where I was when The American Dream were having “a time”. However, I had became a great fan of Todd Rundgren in the 80’s for some reason and a friend of mine told me about this produced by “Runt” album. Some old friends of his he went to school with (Lincoln High), called The American Dream. He found it at a yard sale. This was about 1993. Never heard of it, all scratched up. So I put a nickel on the arm where the needle goes and gave it a spin. It’s a truly amazing album, wonderfully produced with such an innocence almost perfectly captured in the moment by Band and Producer. I LOVE THIS ALBUM!! I really appreciate the uniqueness as the front and back of this album are reversed and hard to tell which is which. I lost my copy I had made on casette in my party years. I went to prison on a multiple DUI offense because of my very dangerous chemical dependency problem. I used to sing that whole album in my head to myself just to pass time.
When I got out of prison in 1999 and sobered up, I moved to California where I now reside. For so many years I had tried to find that album, but no one knew what the hell I was talking about. I started to think, “too much drugs, DUDE!”
I finally got my first computer last year 2008. As I found out, I can search around to find anything I want (and that scares the shit out of me still). I would always look for The American Dream, and got everything but “the real deal”.
I found out about this album being available on a late-nite American Dream “find the album or else” quest on like page 175 on the search engine at about 3a.m. A guy from Italy on ebay had it unopened and unplayed. Well noboby was gonna get it but me!! This album is so rare in that kind of condition that I was probably the only person in the whole world looking for it-or so I thought.
Long story longer, I did win that album bidding against 4 other people for a pretty nice hunk of cash, mostly because of it’s rare, pristine value. I checked the mail every day for two weeks straight, not believing this could be true, but finally there it was!!! I took it right away to an LP to CD remastering plant to get it copied. The man there had to manually gap the songs because they run so concurrently together, the machine would not gap correctly, which meant he had to listen to the songs several times over. Needless to say, he made a copy for himself he liked it so much and said it’s extremely rare that he gets any albums 38 yrs old unplayed. I said to him, “no shit”. By the way, the CD sounds probably better than when it was played on a 1970 hi-fi. Vinyl really does still kick-ass. I’ve turned many of my so-called “rock trivia pro baby-boomers” on to it, and some young people, too.
So maybe this is not such a big deal, but if it means anything to anybody, I had not felt the natural buzz of my anticipation for so long I can’t remember; without some good dope in my body. Truly, as a singer/songwriter/producer myself, I have heard many types of music in my life that has influenced me, but this album by The American Dream holds a very special place in the creative part of my soul, and by default should be. Why? Because if everyboby adored it, there wouldn’t be enough energy in it left over for me and a few others to enjoy so much. This album truly does withstand the test of time for those who remember it and very exciting memories. To me this album is all that’s left of The REAL AMERICAN DREAM, and the best thing to come out of it in years!!
I can be reached by any of you wonderful people by emailing me on My Space page or . I now feel that my American Dream is complete. I think I’ll die now!! lol JACKI
I grew up in Mayfair, now live In California. I had a band in my high school days and we used to play some of the songs from the album. To this day I still enjoy that album. I have three vinyls. One was in excellent condition so I digitized it and cleaned it up a bit via Adobe Audition. My Philly freinds are always asking for a copy. I also have an unopened vinyl, not sure what I’ll ever do with it.
I think the album was under rated, I still get a lot of joy listening to it, fantastic guitar solos that still hold there own.
Dear Tim Formica
I read you comment with interest and if I am right you say that you have a digitised version of the American dream’s album. One of my ambitions is to hear the full album . Is there any way we can get in touch and I can get adigital copy from you ?
Don Ferris,
Do you have any idea what became of the master tapes? Who has them? If you do please go to my website and email me
Oh and one more thing, I hope you can clear up for me. What does Nicky D’s grandmother say to him at the beginning of Good News? I’ve had this debate with my friend since the albums release. I think she called him “I said that Nicky, he’s a no good monkey pig or is it face” My friend thinks it’s No good F**king pig”
LOL Cool Grandma.
Banco – go to my website and send me an email and I’ll see what I can do.
It’s g**dam Monkey face..
Nick Indelicato’s Grandma (it could ONLY be his Grandma!) seems to say ‘g**damn f****ing pig’. Anyway, she sounds like a character and a half, just like her grandson. Marvellous group.
I would love to hear ‘Fishkin Blues’, I really would.
I really enjoyed reading all these comments! Don Ferris says he’s going to write and answer the question about what Grandma is saying!
In case anyone is interested, I just discovered this myspace site for the AD. You’ll find three cuts, one unknown, two demos that are a bit raw in the recording.
Pretty Cool!
I first bought the record in the mid-80’s (due to me being a Todd Rundgren completist!), and was awestruck by the songs, playing, harmonies, energy and humour. An amazing album by a band I knew absolutely nothing about! Sadly my copy was pretty scratched and worn, and I didn’t dare playing it as much as I wanted. Today I found a mint unplayed copy for 25 kroner (about $3.50) at a Salvation Army thrift shop, did a search, and found this! Surely a timeless classic. :o)
Cool. Thanks for the link Tim. I’ve added it to the original post. Does anybody have correct or better cover art for this record?
here some video footage on the AD on youtube,
Also, if you dig around this site you will find a bunch of pictures of the AD as well as other bands from Philly and those that playes there from the 60’s and 70’s.
Thanks for all the interest in the Band! I was really blown away by all the comments, memories and praise for the band. It was a great time and my only regret is that I really didn’t appreciate it fully when it was happening. And by the way, Grandma said “God d**mn monkey face”. Thanks for letting me hear all your stories and memories and I am still amazed at the current interest in the band.
Don Ferris
This is Don Ferris again. Tim, the master tapes belong to Bearsville records. And I hope you read my previous post over Shelley’s name.
Thanks Don
I believe this comment would go out to any one of the band members of ‘American Dream’ that would remember their gig at the Electric Circus on St Mark’s Place in New York City. It was 1968 or ’69 when both our bands played there. My band was ‘The Sugar Blues Band’ that opened for the American Dream, we were the ‘day band’ at The Cafe Wha? in the West Village. We were younger and not as good as the night bands which were at that time included ‘The Raves’, ‘Kangaroo’ with John Hall (Orleans). Understandably, this time was a ‘little foggy’! Do any of the band members of the American Dream remember this gig?
Perhaps you can help me with some of life’s mystery’s. . .
What’s a Credemphil? Is that a Tasty Cake that was never made?
Re: Frankford El song: When I was in the Boy Scouts, Troop 84, Holmesburg, mid to late 60’s we used to sing that song around the campfire. Except that after the first verse was sung we’d change the lyrics to poke jabs at one another, like, “You can’t get to heaven in Carls’ shoe becuase Carl’s shoe is full of goo” typical 13 year old humor. Anyway I’ve often wondered where you guys got the song from cause I was surprised to hear it again years later on the Dream album. Oh yeah,I still sing it with my Philly buddies.
This comment represents pure thi nking at the moment but:…..
I have spent quite abit of my life tracking down and obtaining CD reissues of many bands from the 60s and 70s. The criteria for a record company to issue such material is usually:: that there will be a market for the reissue………….( Clearly here on this essage board there is healthy interest!)…………The band can be consulted/involved ….give consent ( and get some profit) …the
tapes exist and can be brought up to modern day standards…………extra material could exist to be included to boost intetest……there are some demos etc…………….My thoughs are …….how o we inteterest AMPEX/BEARSVILLE or one of the reissue companies ………….to put out such a trasure as the American Dream album?????
Micah, I remember the gig at the Electric Circus. We played with Steppenwolf as I recall and the third band must have been yours.
Tim, Credemphil was just a word that was made up to go in the song. It didn’t mean anything. I enjoyed hearing your Boy Scout story about the Frankford El. The Frankford El was an elevated train that ran from downtown to NE Philly. I took it downtown to practice. “You can’t get to heaven on the Frankford El” was just a spoof.
Banco, your comment was flattering, but I don’t think there is enough interest to have the album re-released.
Thanks guys for all your interest.
Just heard the American Dream tracks on MySpace music that Tim Formica above kindly mentions. Fantastic and really, really, good to hear these demo. The one that is untitled is possibly the best and has all the usual Dream strengths – like good tune, witty lyrics (the guy smoking a cigar who does not know where its at .. .), great harmony singing, bright guitars and a forceful guitar solo, strong bass playing and drumming, and it moves like a freight train. Made my year hearing this track.
I listened to the demos also. I liked the Frankford El demo better than the one on the album. I wasn’t on the unreleased demo.
I was about 13 when this album came out. My big brother, Bob Kelly, was the rodie for these guys. Best I can remember they were just a bunch of guys having a good time.
I hung out with all of them and they were my heroes. OK, I didn’t hang out, but my brother took me to a bunch of heir shows. Most of them were at my house from time to time.
Anyway… they were just a typical garage band, but I always thought they could have moved beyond the Philly scene. But drugs and egos got in the way.
So now I’m 50 and still love their music. All the so called critics can compare them to whoever and say they were influence by whatever. Screw that shit. They were just a group of cool guys who made some pretty good Philly music.
My little sister still has their original album. But who the hell has a turn table to play it.
Put that shit on CD and I’ll buy it. It’s still good music.
Mike Kelly NE Philly
I got to throw this in before I take a nap.
I have been searching for a copy of the American Dream album for years. My sis has the vinyl, but we live way far away. I was in the Marines for 22 years. Been away a lot.
Anyway… I searched the Internet many times. Nothing. I just now searched and found a shit load of sites with American Dream stuff. Mostly just song names, but it’s cool that it’s out there now.
Bout time they got recognized.
By the way….anybody know Cookie. She was my lady friend in the late 70s. Haven’t been to Philly in a long time. I been all over the world. Nothing as cool and funky as Philly. Damn I miss that place!
Was your brother also a roadie for the Kit Kats?
Micah and others interested:
I have owned the American Dream LP since its release and still play it. Good to see all the interest in this fine recording. FYI, re John Hall. He is now a NY State Congressman. His former bandmate in Kangaroo, Barbara Keith, has led her band, The Stone Coyotes, for many years. They are based in western MA and have released many fine CD’s. Her voice and guitar playing are really worth a listen.
Thought the following info might be of interest to everyone: ‘The American Dream’ LP , on Ampex Records, was reissued on CD in 1995 in Japan. The enclosed booklet identifies it as being part of “The Todd Rundgren Collection”, and only the song titles, and lyrics, are in English. The official catalog info is: Pony Canyon PCCY-00843; it’s a ‘Bearsville Records’ reissue, and “Ampex” is nowhere to be found. In addition…Nick Jameson’s second solo LP, from 1986, is called ‘A Crowd Of One’, on Motown 6210 ML. I have a promo copy of this; it’s possible it never made it to the stores…The American Dream were a GREAT live band. I saw them about a dozen times, and, yes, “Fishkin Blues” was their tour-de-force highlight, great solos all around. The LP doesn’t do them justice; wish a live tape or two would turn up… John
After seeing someone named Williams destroy ‘Frankford El’ song on youtube I had to research if there were extant bits of it. Thankfully someone here posted an Earth day ‘Tube bit of it.
ah, the WWWeb…
I believe the dream opened for CTA (Chicago) at a Temple U. venue @ ’69,’ 70.
Was there a group called Good News also on the card? Did they cover the “El” song?
So much of that period sketchy…..’scuse me while I kiss the sky….
Anyway, The “El” song was memorable and Chicago up close was great.
I’d buy the American Dream CD if avail.
philly son
I was driving to work in West Chester, Pa. this morning and listening to WXPN on the radio.
It was a little bit after 7:00 AM and the news had just ended, when I began to hear a familiar
guitar riff intro. I could hardly believe my ears. It was the intro to the American Dream’s song
“I Ain’t Searchin’ ” I actually got goose bumps ! ! !
What a bright spot in an otherwise rainy gloomy day. T
he memories of
places I’d heard the band play and friends that I saw them with came flooding back.
I can’t belive how much time has passed and that I still love that band.
Their music really still does stand the test of time.
Thank you WXPN and Michaela for playing that song and making my day a little brighter.
Tim Formica, if you read this message, please conatct me.
Peace, Love and Light,
Paul Scull
P.S. I recently spotted Nicky Indelicato working at the Post Office in Bala Cynwood.
He looked good ! God Bless You Nick and may long live the memories of The American Dream and all the other great Phillie bands.
I alos heard the song on XPN this morning. I am trying to download a copy of I ain’t searching but cannot find it on line. Does anyone know where it is available?
The RECORD CASTLE in Philadelphia, PA, offered some LP’s and CD’s (!!!) of the good old original Dream album. I bought two of those CD’s years ago; don’t know if its still available right now but no one knows! The CD I have identifies as follows: “The American Dream”, 1970. Contains the original album plus extras – – that is, a very rare 7 song Demo Tape with unreleased tunes “taken from a reel tape stored by an old friend of the band for all those years”!! CDR issue; El Gato Records EG-1795 (Import). The cover is exactly the same as the old LP, except for the unobtrusive mention of bonus material…
What are the names of the unreleased tunes?
July 20, 2009
There are currently several American Dream 33 RPM records available on ebays international sellers list. One is listed as new and sealed at $ 40.00.
Get em while there hot. ! I just bought a cassette of the recording.
Paul Scull
Hi, Don! The CD I have only says “Unreleased Tune Nr 1, Nr 2 and Nr 3 (no further detail) plus the other songs in this Original Demo – Good News, Storm, FrankfordEl, Future’s Folly, different from the Ampex LP. There is also, to complete, a version of Big Brother identified as “Early Nick Jameson – The Finestuff” (old band?). BTW, in case you dident get this CD at all, I could let go one of my two copies and send one out to you—let me know if you’re interested. (BTW, the CDs back cover indicates “El Gato (Records) Ltd. — © (Copyright) 2001 — Made in Mexico”) !
Hi Jean, gosh a copy would be great! My boys would love it! Could you email me at to make arrangements?
BTW, do we know each other?
That’s ok, i’ll send you an email.
Regarding your question, i know you only (or the rest of the band, for that matter) through the music of T.A.D., and this for many moons ago–back to my high school days! (i’m 44) Indeed, when the group was active i was sort of just a little toddler… But, hey ! we got that damn good album, after all, with those tunes that stick like color posters on the walls of our minds.
winkle is a great guitar player…and a pretty nice guy
Thanks so much for sending the CD. I can’t tell you how much the boys and I appreciate it as well as the other info you sent. That was a really special treat.
You’re welcome, Don!
: )
I’m in little late on this conversation as I just stumbled on to the website. Being a Todd fanatic from the get-go made me seek out The American Dream in 1970. I bought the album when it was still readily available and immediately fell in love with it. Played it to death for several years
and always hoped there would be a follow up, but alas……I bought the Pony Canyon CD release
when it came out in ’95 and it was truly a disaster. Stay away from it at all costs as the transfer
from analog to the digital domain is severely compromised. Somehow the tape slows down from start to finish and by the time you get to “Raspberries” the tape is barely moving. Just shocked that quality control was so shabby in this instance. Don Ferris if you’re still coming back to this site, I’m just wondering what your thoughts are on this matter? And didn’t you guys play on Todd’s “Birthday Carol” from the Runt album? Care to comment on those sessions?
Thanks for reading. Bob
I played on the song with Van Winkle, Mickey Brooks and Todd. I was a little nervous because it was my first time recording on Todd’s album and we didn’t even hear the song until an hour before we recorded. I would have liked more time to rehearse but I was happy to do it. We didn’t even know if it would be on the album.
I’m really glad you liked our album. It was a great time for me. I didn’t hear the Pony Canyon CD so I can’t comment. I really appreciated the CD Jean sent me. It was such a surprise. (See the previous comments from Jean.)
Thanks for writing, Bob.
Glad your still checking in periodically. Would you tell us where and what you are doing these days, and do you still play ?
Paul Scull
Just found this site – two questions – saw you guys in Wildwood (summer of ’68 I think) at a venue on Pacific Ave. – it was an old church converted to a club – do you remember the name? – also saw the Dream reunion (?) at the new Factory – when was that?
Joe Bajacito
Gosh Joe, I really don’t remember the name of the place you’re asking about. Maybe someone else will. Also, I wasn’t at the reunions. But thanks for asking.
A friend from work was asking me just yesterday about a Doors concert I went to back in 1968 at The Arena in Philly and wouldn’t ya know it, The American Dream played there also. There were 4 bands that night. First up was a band from New York called “All That The Name Implies” who got into a verbal flap with the crowd and got booed off. Next was “Mandrake Memorial” who were great. Then “The Doors” played and after they left, “The American Dream” came out and played a set. What a night that was!!! Maybe you guys only put out one album, but I bought it when it came out, I still have it and I still love it. And I love when friends say, “Hey, what’s that”? I tell them that it’s great music that you just can’t get any more. Thanks guys for all the memories. Craig Hallman – Birdsboro
Hey Don,
George Manney here from Philly-Lincoln High. Hope you are doing well. Sure would love to interview you for the new documentary I am producing, Philly Pop Music, that would cover your part with the Dream. I also posted the Dream Demos on the MySpace page that I put together. Had the honor to play at the Dream Reunion shows at the new Factory with headliners, the Band & Richie Havens. I did my best to play Mickey’s drum parts at this show & the Earth Day 2000 concert. Anyway, please check my websites for photos, etc. & my Facebook page has photos of you & the Dream. I also just interviewed Bob Kelly & I posted this on my YouTube channel:
American Dream on MySpace. I put this together last year.
I have posted before on this subject but now that I know that these threads can get back to the members of the group I feel that I will post one more:
Several postings here suggest that the album should be reissued and I believe that a poor attempt was made in Japan to do this . Clearly the reissue would not be a massive one but I have a friend in the music industry who has reissued his material with great success in limited editions through the following company in Germany They are Repertoire Entertainment GmbH
Borsteler Chaussee 85 – 99
22453 Hamburg
They are experts at reissues of material like the American dream album and I am sure that they would be interested to help and reissue it in a high quality way
If the band members are reading this …………..Try the e-mail make a contact with repertoire and try it !!!
This is part 1 of a response I made back to Nicky and Bob Kelly after they emailed me in October ’09. Sorry I took so long. I don’t check my email much.
Bob & Nicky,
Holy shit!! I’m sitting here in my RV right now, reading this email. It’s 4 A.M. I just smoked a bowl of really good pot, opening a beer and listening to my pristine CD version of The American Dream, remastered from a 43-year-old, unopened, original copy I aquired from a guy on Ebay in Italy. You’ll have to excuse me. I’m a little nervous right now. To me, having this album, hearing Don Ferris’ chat on The Rising Storm and getting a personal email from Bob Kelly and Nicky Indelicato makes me feel quite intimidated. Like a Beatles fan getting a call from Paul Mc Cartney!! I don’t feel that’s a far stretch at all. Everybody picks their poison. I and MANY others chose to Rolodex this phenominal classic AMERICAN GEM as a unique and personal treasure, undoubtedly historic in it’s own right, carrying huge power in the universe and allowing the people who survived to talk about these “good ol boys of psych-pop”-recollecting fond memories of that era, when things seemed to be much easier. I’m not convinced that many rock bands with 1 official album under their belt (in limited print), are getting the same kind of honor, love and respect from fans long ago as well as new ones that are fortunate enough to ever get to hear a “This is how the big boys do it”-type album that’s as important in American/Philly/Pop-culture as the Liberty Bell. I get aprehensive towards people when they ask what my influences are artistically and they whince when I say, ” Check out The American Dream. I almost won’t be theiir friend if they don’t give it a listen. I’m a big Zappa fan and I don’t ask anybody to listen to that. To me it’s like a gauge to see if one’s open-minded enough to understand something that’s cool and simple, and selfless enough to take a few minutes to listen to what has shaped me as a person. Something I love in life.What makes me tick. I think I might have chatted earlier that I first heard this album (the scratchy version), in 1992 or so. I never had one person I played The American Dream album for say it sucks. MANY people have asked me to play it again the next time we hung out. People in Southern Ca. are hard to please, with very short attention spans. I am really suprised that they even remember they heard it at all. The American Dream has a very long reach-both in time and distance. We sort of have an unannounced American Dream Fan Club here. Like the renaissance on Rising Storm, low-key /high energy.
Gotta go for now. My generator’s about to quit. Much more to say. I LOVE THE AMERICAN DREAM. Please keep in touch! I believe that I wouldn’t be such a big Todd Rundgren fan if it weren’t for you guys. FUCKIN’ A!!!!
Love and Respect,
1) First album ever released by AMPEX Records #A10101. After a very short 3-year stint in “vinyl record distribution” Ampex went back to what they did best: manufacturing Analog recording tape.
2) First sessions recorded in the now historic BEARSVILLE STUDIOS
3) First “Recognizable” band production by the now world-known multi-media wizzard TODD RUNDGREN.
4) NICK JAMESON later on went to play on one of the greatest party albums released in the 70’s- Foghat’s “Fool For The City” featuring the golden classic “Slow Ride.” YAAAAAHHHHH!!!!
The Dream lives on.
This morning at 7:18 AM WXPN FM in Philadelphia played “I Ain’t Searchin’ ” .
Made my day. Here is a song that is 40 years old and sounds every bit as good as, or better than anything else out there today.
After all these years I never tire of hearing these songs.
Man, I’d love to see the band do another reunion concert.
Paul Scull
The first time I saw American Dream was the Easter Be-in in Fairmount park – guess I was 16 at the time- and thought they had something unique, even though the sound system wasn ‘t that great. The next time I saw them was maybe 8-9 months later at electric factory- WOW! I was a fan then and still am.A couple years later, my band was opening for Cactus at a high school(!) in Delaware, and a few bars into our opening song I look up and there was Nick Jameson Standing about 10 feet in front of me, leather jacket the same as album cover,giving me a thumbs up. That was in 1971. In 1978, I had the pleasure of being in one the bands that played a rock show at a banquet hall in Northeast Philly – forget the name, but the headline act was Nicky Indelicato- got to hang out with him for awhile and swap war stories. This was a big deal for me, because all my friends would go to the factory back in the day to see the headliners; I went to see The Dream. Iwas a fan then and still am-
Steve Taylor
Dream Album for sale on E-bay
Hi there! A friend of mine & I used to hike from 22nd & Walnut to Belmont Plateau for the free shows. One of those hikes was the 1st time I saw American Dream & I was blown away. Mickey Brooks was almost as big an influence on my drumming as was Keith Moon & Ringo Starr. The album is still one of my favorites. I’d love to find a copy on cd.
I have a question for Steve Taylor if he ever checks in. Steve, did you have long red hair & play bass. I think I knew you at the Underground in Wilmington, DE.
I remember seeing the Dreamers play at the Gold Bug coffeehouse in Merchantville, NJ. Those were the days!
I long ago lost my copy of the American Dream album, I would love to replace it if anyone has a copy for sale, contact me at
May 1st catch the American Dream in concert…
On May 1st, jt’s Philadelphia House is proud to announce a truly extraordinary concert experience in a wonderfully intimate setting… the Philly Pop Music series. The series will including the filming and recording of each performance, and the marketing and promotion of the series.
Curator for this series is George Manney.
7312 Castor Avenue
Philadelphia, PA
Phone: (215) 342 – 1161
We will also be screening part of the music documentary in production, Philly Pop Music, The Lost Pioneers.
The film features archival footage, performances & interviews of the great Philadelphia musical community.
The event will be hosted by WMGK 102.9 – Sirius/XM DJ, Michael Tearson.
The tickets are $15.00 and includes draft beer & roast beef from 7:00 till 12:00 and they will have a cash bar all night.
As a Brit I wouldn’t know these guys if they mugged me in the street, but isn’t it wonderful to find a small-time outfit held in such affection all these years on? The comments above give me a warm feeling just reading them. Rock on, fellas.
This track reminds me of some track by other composer which I very much liked . I can’t really recall which :0 does anybody know who I’m referring to?
Joe Kolb and Don Ferris…. I just happened onto this site. Been a fan of AD for many years and always thought that AD didn’t get nearly the attention they deserved locally or nationally, they were an outstanding band!
I believe the church in Wildwood converted to a club was called “The Guiding Light”. I had friends that played in a band called “The Last Rezort” that I think were the house band in the summer of ’68. I remember seeing a poster for the club with their name and the name of the featured band, which may have been The American Dream. Also recall an article in the Philadelphia Daily News about the Guiding Light and the bands that played there. The headline was “Soul and Psych at the Guiding Light” and was a mostly favorable article about the club.
Still have the LP and it’s in pretty good shape, at least the vinyl is in good shape, the cover not so much, but not bad.
“The Guiding Light” – still doesn’t jog the old memory but I’ll trust in yours – also saw the Vanilla Fudge down the street at the American Legion or was it the VFW? – it was long ago & far away.
George Manny’s “Philly Pop Music” sounds interesting – sorry I missed TAD in April – brings back fond memories of the old Electric Factory & The Trauma (Mandrake Memorial, Sweet Stave & Chain, Steppenwolf, Iron Butterfly, The Crazy World of Arthur Brown, Pink Floyd, Cream, etc.)
Keep on rockin’
Great bands Joe….they don’t make ’em like that anymore! BTW, I Ain’t Searchin’ is up on Youtube.
40 years later and the American Dream still sounds great…I remember gettin’ on the 66 bus, goin’ to Mayfair and buying the album at the Music Scene at Frankford and Cottman. I grew up a few houses away from Mickey Brooks and would listen to the band play in Mickey’s driveway. We used to go to Len’s Feed Bag as kids and hang with the band…they had a great juke box with “I Ain’t Searching”, and “Sky Pilot” by the Animals . Got to hear the American Dream headline at Pennypack Park…me, a 13 year old, my dad with his white t-shirt and buzz cut, and 20,000 hippies…still remember it . In the 70’s, played with Marty Ahearn(current American Dream line-up) in Manta Rhodes; in the 80’s, played with the Impossible Years at JC Dobbs where Don Lee Van Winkle did sound. This was the band that inspired me to play music and I’ve been doing so since ’71…God bless the American Dream.
Howie and the rest of your rock animals, I was there.
Remember the guys from Roosevelt Playground. I was also at Belmont Plateau with Elizabeth. Wish I could go back in time. Hope the American Dream — Philly’s answer to the Greatful Dead, Velvet Underground and David Peel and the Lower East Side.
Wish we could just go to an island and rock n’ roll forever. Shit. Gotta get back to work. Reality is with bands like LeCompte, but haven’t seen them is a while Big Daddy Graham is a big fan. Been outta town. I’ll check back on this site to see what’s going on.
I Ain’t Searchin’
could be THE best song never heard
TR Rools
I just found this site – I used to be in a band called the Fat Band, in Philly – we were just starting out, and lived 1/2 block from the Dream – we were good friends with Winkle, Nick, and Mick and Don – used to go to their shows at the 2nd Fret, etc. – we all moved to Vermont in 1969 – I”m still playing, mostly jazz, folk, whatever pays the bills…. Most of the rest of our band is dispersed, or passed on. George Lewis, guitarist, still plays.
The Dream were our mentors and heros – along with Woody’s Truck Stop – big time! So great to hear the clip provided – like to heaR MORE! My vinyl album is long lost to the mist of rockandrolll.
Don, if you check in, great to hear you’re with us – wondering if you might have a contact for Winkle…
very best, Will Patton
Just found a vinyl copy of the album I make/record music in philly now great story. Album for Sale $25 1531 south street philly pa 19146
I play bass with Winkle every other Thursday at a place in Conshohocken,PA.called Bobby Burgers.Winkle just released a new solo disc called 13 Angels. The drummer is Jim Cavanaugh who you might remember from Wanderlust.Winkle is still rockin’ strong! We’re on this Thursday(Oct.21 2010) unless the Phillies playoffs cancel us out.
Hey Bernie, give Winkle my best – tell him to get his buns up to Vermont sometime, where all the gigs are! Glad he’s rockin’ on!
Bill Patton
Will do Bill! I used to love you guys to! I remember the Fat Band well and fondly. Used to see you at the 2nd Fret & the various be-ins. Whatever happened to that weird strat your guitarist had?
Hey Bernie,
Where can we get a copy of the new Winkle CD 13 Angels ?
I’m also, looking for a copy of Fallin Idol.
Any info would be appreciatted.
Sorry about taking so long to get back.Winkle’s new CD 13 Angels is available from CD Baby.If you are intrested in Fallin Idol you can a hold of me at my E mail & I’ll pass it on to Don.I’ll see him this Thursday. My e mail is Thanks!
american dream, greatest philly rock band of ALL time. great watching them do all the free concerts at fairmount park and belmont plateau… i think they played once at the spectrum when they opened for someone. i remeber them but not the main act…
Looks like I’m the first entry for 2011.
WXPN played ” I Ain’t Searching” again this morning. The song is truly timeless.
Maybe if we pester them they’ll play some Edison Electric or Mandrake Memorial too !
Thank XPN for keeping The Dream alive !
Paul Scull
Excellent suggestion. I would add Color Scheme by Woody’s Truckstop, White Lace and Strange by Thunder and Roses, and throw in some Elizabeth for good measure.
that was their signature song. should have been a fm radio hit. nick indelicato did a great version on a early 80’s solo album. can’t find it on the internet.
Do you mean Nick Jameson? His solo album Already Free (including I Ain’t Searching) is available for download on iTunes, Amazon, and Rhapsody.
yea, you are correct, i will check it out and download. i had the plastic when it came out.
i’ve been rackin my somewhat damaged brain to remember what the title of that track was that was an anti-war song, one of the lines was “the king is in the countinghouse laughing and stumbling”. the album was acually exported as far as delaware where i bought it, but was ,unfortunatly, part of the great album rip off of 1972. btw, there is a video of “Frankford El” on you tube.
@jim Earth Opera – “Great American Eagle Tragedy” from album of same name. It is on youtube.
Just a point of interest…
The church in Wildwood WAS “The Guiding Light”. Also Elizabeth performed there that summer. I doubt that the Vanilla Fudge played at the VFW which was called “The Electric Alice” that summer, and had a house band called Yum Yum (Philly local- and coincidently opened at The Allentown Fairgrounds that summer for Vanilla Fudge and Mandrake Memorial).
@QuakerSteve – Thanks for confirming The Guiding Light in Wildwood. Unfortunately I never got to go but perhaps you did. If so, I’ll bet you saw some great bands!
If I ask “bellsys1” from Youtube nicely and if there’s any demand from others, like from those at this site he might be willing to put up some additional American Dream tunes as well as some Mandrake Memorial tunes. His MM vinyl album is in pristine condition. At least that what he says.
Any requests?
Truck Stop link –
– it mentions Joe DiCarlo. There was this minister named Father Bob who converted old churches into coffeehouses in Camden, and I remember jamming with Joe at one of the coffeehouses.
Rock Prosopography 101 – – mentions the Mothers of Invention at the Trauma for New Year’s Eve 1967. I sat in the front row for that show and later ran into Zappa taking a leak in the men’s room. I remember him mumbling, “Hey man, how ya’ doin’?”
Nazz link –
Sweet Stavin Chain –
Elizabeth –
maida, thank you so much for the earth opera info, had forgotted how good they were. another great song from that album was “home to you”. once again, thank you for your help
I used to go to a coffee house 68/69 but the one I went to was in the basement of the Holmesburg Library on Frankford Avenur in NE Philly. It was converted into a coffee house I think on Friday or Saturday nights. Complete with a parachute for the ceiling , candles in wine bottles and psychedelic lights. I remember a duo who used to perform there and am wondering if it was you and Joe?
It was run my a minister that looked like a white man’s version of Maharashi Yogi. LOL I think his name was Lowell.
Any chance that was you and Joe performing?
Tim F,
That wasn’t me. I only jammed with him that one time.
jim_g, I wish! I toured the GL when they were just remodeling it but never got back to see any bands. I must have seen them all in Philly as opening acts at the Factory, Trauma, Kaleidoscope, Fret etc but the only one I remember was Mandrake M – and of course 40+ years of brain clouds don’t help. I think I saw AD at the Fret in ’68. Did they have that homemade “synthesizer”?
Here is an interesting link for Todd Rundgren and Daryl Hall fans.
They do a nice cover of Expressway To Your Heart.
Philly bands will always have a special place in my heart. !
Paul Scull
QuakerSteve, I saw AD at Belmont plateau and one or two other venues but I can’t recall where. I don’t know if they had the homemade synthesizer.
What a great time it was to be a musician or a fan of the music back then. We’re having one of the old WDAS-FM DJs (Hyski’s Underground days) over for dinner soon. I’ll try to see what all he recalls from back then. Probably not much if he’s like everyone else.
Well done to the AD for being so well loved and remembered as to warrant a hundred blog comments. It’s great to see a local outfit recalled with such affection. Unlikely it’ll ever happen again? Still, who knows?
Nice to hear the group is still remembered I still see some oif the gang Mickey Brook was my drummer in my band Valentine from 1973 to almost 1975 he was a wonderful happy person who we all loved and he is missed I wonder what happened to his Son Michael he was very yung then. I still see Nick quite a bit bumped into Winkle a few years ago when I was working on a reality show, have never heard from Don Ferris , and i jammed with Nicky when I was in Philly . I must say they were a very tight band and great fun to watch. RIP Mickey . Ciao Frankie
I liked you song about the Frankford El On You Tube you guys did a hell of a Job and Don If you lived in Juniata Park back in the day I Lived at 4136 Claridge street I now reside in Clermont Florida
I recently recieved a copy of the CD from my brother which brought back so many memories. I remember seeing them at the Jardel Dance. There is no one from Phila who was a teen at the time who doesn’t remember the band.
I read about the popularity of the Beatles in Liverpool before their international success, and it reminds me of the love and pride we had of the American Dream. Great memories!
My question of the day Are you the same Don Van WInkle who lived at 4142 Claridge street in Juniata Park I lived at 4136 Claridge Street form 1955 till 1967 when I went into the service
My name is Fred M (MIKE) Pohl I now reside in Clermont Florida I like your song “Frankford El’
I and some of my photos are on facebook of the Frankfrod El I have beena rail enthiuast since my draft bait days and Some guys I ran with worked and now have retired from SEPTA
Just received news today that cdbaby is now selling downloads of Don Lee Van Winkles
‘Fallin Idol.”
I’m hoping for a CD re-release. For now you can listen and download at the site below.
Paul Scull
American Dream fans, my dear friend, Don Ferris, bass player of the band has terminal cancer. If anyone has any memories they would like to share, please do so. He appreciated that the band still had so many fans so many years later.
Shelly, Don –
Sorry to hear that. I hope that maybe you can have a big turnaround. But whatever happens, I’ll pray for you and wish you, your friends and family that you can all find some strength, some calm and some peace and somehow cope with something we all will face some day.
I hope it’s not wrong to tell you that your condition is NOT terminal. You and your band members will live forever while “you ain’t looking for to score.” That’s one of the best songs ever, really. Perfect place and time, too. You felt our hearts and played it back to us. The El was a hoot — and truly something we all call our own. We should pity those that can’t appreciate that. Hey, I got a kick out of Rasperries. Thanks for sharing this, Shelly.
Thank you for giving me and my friends some great memories and music! You’ve certainly left your mark in this world and its a better place for it. To this day, when I get together with my friends in Philly, we still sing to the songs on the album.
I’m so very sorry to hear this news. I’ll never forget you or the band.
I just learned how to play ” I’ Ain’t Searching” for a new band I’m putting together.
Think we will probably do the Hatfield Medley “My Babe” and Storm. It’s hard to choose when you
like everything on the album. One of my favorite American Dream memories is seeing you play at The Atlantic City Pop Festival. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.
Hope we get to jam on the otherside !
Paul Scull
So very sorry to hear that Don is unwell. He is a great bass player, for sure, fantastic player.
Don, do not give up hope, ever. There is a guy, Larry ‘Rhino’ Rheinhart who used to play guitar with Captain Beyond and the Iron Butterfly who was given less than a year to live some seven years or so ago with a very serious illness and who is still around and making albums!
Thanks for all your kind comments and memories of Don Ferris. I shared them all with him and his family.
Don passed this morning….11/14/1950 – 4/27/2011…RIP my kind gentle and tender friend.
Dear Shelley,
Thank you for letting us know and for sharing our comments and wishes.
May he rest in peace. Hope you will still check in here every now and then.
Paul Scull
“The Other Side” streamed on
American Dream track from their Bearsville L.P. – 1970.
For their bassist, Don Ferris who passed away.
11/14/50 – 4/27/11
RIP dear brother.
Check out their sounds & story here:
everytime i listen to there songs it brings back great memories, i now all weekend will bring out the A.D. cd i burned and listen for a couple weeks. they had to be the best one album band in the history of rock and roll
I’m sorry to hear this sad news.
Don Ferris was a hero to me when I was a kid. I always was a fan of his bass playing. He certainly was an influence on my own playing.
I will be playing with Winkle tonite at Bobby Burgers in Conshocken, PA. I’ll try to channel some of Don’s bass energy in honor to him.
Very sad to hear of this news. Really upset by it.
All condolences and all good things to Don’s famly and to all the fans of the American Dream.
It was a week ago Wednesday that Don Ferris passed away. His family asked me to thank everyone for their kindness and for sharing memories of Don and the American Dream. We will never forget him. He was a great guy.
Come on, who’s got a line on getting this as digital download? Todd fans will recall the cut he included on the promo LP “Todd Rudgren Radio Show’
Come on, somebody, please…I really, really need to get this music…
Go to my website and you’ll see the American Dream album click on the article and you’ll see links to download all of the songs which I digitized and cleaned up.
All I ask is that you make a donation to the American Cancer Society in Don’s honor. There’s a link to it on my site.
Here’s my buddy “Boots” Walker’s Remaster from vinyl:,1
There’s also a Japanese CD version out there…IF ya can find it.
It’s STILL one of the greatest records ‘never heard’
Stay away from the Japanese CD of “The American Dream.” Horrible transfer from analog to ditgital. Best to just burn a copy of the vinyl to CD.
Been a fan of “the Dream” since I saw them do the concert in the park (Pennypack in Philly) eons ago. I have 2 copies of the album, one is played to hell and the other is sealed. I also managed to grab a copy of the Japanese CD which isn’t that terrible but I do agree, I was thinking about opening the sealed copy and transferring it myself. (I re-did some of Alan Mann, Bricklin, Soul Survivors etc for the band members and for CD compilation purposes where the masters couldn’t be found). It’ll probably sound better. There is also a single… I believe it’s “I Ain’t Searchin”. I have it with the picture sleeve but it’s in with about 2000 45s in my basement! Any one with any live recordings? And last but not least, I knew Mickey passed on but did not know that Don Ferris passed. R.I.P Don (and Mickey as well). Nick, Nicky & Winkle… if you’re out there… give us all a holler!
Hello fans of An American Dream. Can anyone else get to any of the link listed above? I’m trying desperately to get digital versions of the album, but to no avail. Only options appear to be paying about 75.00 for an lp. Still does not get me mp3, but I could deal with that. Anybody willing to help me get mp3 versions of these great songs?
thanks, Larry
Woody’s Truck Stop demos on YouTube –
Larry… e-mail me at
I saw Todd Rundgren in concert tonight it was a fantastic show the guy still has it. Amazing voice. I got him to sign both of my AD Albums one of which is still unopened. He was pleased to see that. Said “Man that was a long time ago”.
Next time anyone sees Todd, ask him when he plans to re-issue the AD album on CD or as an mp3 download.
In response to Charles Goepel – I would be more than happy to make a donation for a WMA (Lossless? hopefully) file of the album – just let me know
i have the album in my library. mp3 form. i have burnt copies quite a few times for friends. great album contantly listen to it. if anyone wants the mp3’s sent to them. email me at
does anyone have the words and chords for “i ain’t searchin'”
i can’t tell you the good feelings i’ve had sharing some good, and some sad, memories of the Dream. While writing an e-mail to a follow fan, the thought occurred to me to suggest having some type of of fan event, maybe could raise funds for a cause by those closest to him and/or to bring renewed attention. I have brought matter to the attention of the Philly Folk Festival, where I volunteer. (PS – it’sa good gig. Free admission and camping for just becoming a volunteer for security.)
We could do it though this site or use I believe young people, if exposed to this music, would embrace it. “Death Cab” are Beatles fans, and remember how the kids embraced Tony Bennet. Possible venues could be Schmidt’s Piazza , Fairless Hills Firehouse, Pennypack Park, the Wildwoods. .
The Americam Dream’s albun was digitally remastered and reissued a couple of weeks ago by Kismet Records. It’s available at Positively Records in Levittown.
Appears on Amazon too!
Also now on iTunes!
King of the Black Sunrise by Thunder & Roses is also available on Amazon and iTunes, and appears to be re-issued by the same UK company.
Sorry Paul, that wasn’t me.
no i was reffering to frank stallone’s comment up top..about his band from the trenton area in the early 70’s
Many moons ago when I first came to this site I submitted a few comments .One was to consider reissuing The American Dream album. I am soooo pleased to see that you have done this……..Hope it sells a million
I’ll try this again. Is anyone interested in helping to put together a tribute concert as per my comments above? It might help promote the album.
Thanks, Amazon, for putting the American Dream’s CD reissue in my list of recommendations. I hadn’t realised it had been put out again after all these years. I’ve followed the blog entries against this record more or less ever since becoming a contributor to the Storm and have been blown away by the affection in which the band are held, so when the CD came to my attention I had to have it. And what a fine recording it is! Hard to go wrong with anything Todd Rundgen produced, of course, but it’s the sheer energy of the playing that set me back on my heels – they must have been a power to catch live. Solid songwriting with effortlessly flowing guitar, hyperactive bass and drums and those glorious block harmonies. How did these guys stay Second Division?
I’ve just come in contact with this site and was sorry to hear that Mickey Brooks had passed away. I remember seeing the Dream at the Electric Factory on a bill with Ten Years After and The Jeff Beck Group (with Ron Wood on bass and a singer , Rod Stewart). I’d be pressed to say which of the three played the best set that night. On another night, after a Who concert, Mickey, in his sports car with Todd Rundgren, stopped to offer us a hand on Roosevelt Blvd., when me and Joe Carlin had a flat tire. Old memories from old times.
Never got to see the American Dream again, as I got drafted went to Nam and later ended up in Germany, where I still reside.
Just finished listening to Dream’s CD (received thru Amazon – Kismet label) — what a blast! Missed their excellent cover version of Bobby Womack’s “Lookin for a love” which they used to perform. I remember drinkin’ a coffee with Nicky
Indelicato at the diner at Torresdale and Cottman with Eamon Daly and Vinnie in Dec. 1970; and the place on Third St. (Hi Bumpy). Ciao for now.
Just receieved a copy of the CD from England. Awesome ! Hey, Nicky, they are closing OLC school.
Saw AD at the Spectrum early 69. They led in for Spirit, The Kinks, The Chambers Brothers. What a great concert.
We saw American Dream at the Police Athletic League in Reading Pa. I still have some photos taken with my instamatic. We called the local Sears when the album came out and by the time it arrived they had fifty or more copies due to our pestering. I remember Don Ferris had a P Bass and the first Crowm power amp I ever saw. They had the place lit with black lights and when you used Murine for red gets your eyes glowe’d. As teenage garage
ganders we
A group in the Mummers Parade in Philly just completed a performance. The Golden Sunrise Fancy Club did a performance with a few songs using a train and dancers. They danced to a couple of shortened tunes, starting with CHatanooga ChooChoo, but ended with the famous and fun “Frankford El” song by, youknowho. One of the announcers credited American Dream, “legendary Philadelphia Band.” Said there is a group called “In the Pocket” will be redoing that song, along with others from Philly history soon. After I pass this along, I will try to find some info on this band. Happy New Year. American Dream lives on in my heart.
From the band that brought international attention to
Philadelphia’s music scene, The Hooters’ David Uosikkinen is
recording what he feels, are the Essential Songs of Philadelphia.
Wow…great stuff! “I Ain’t Searchin” gets a facelift for the 21st century!
From the American Dream reunion in 2000 at the 30th Earth Day celebration. We performed as the opening act that day. I had booked us to play via WMGK radio in Philly. It was an honor to play with the boys again.
View on YouTube here;
News… American Dream reunion Tues. Jan. 15th at Legendary Dobbs on South Street. Featuring AD original members Nick Jameson, Winkle & Nicky Indelicato.
Facebook event page:!/events/462545733791245/?fref=ts
George – I am very, very grateful for your posting. I will be there camped out on the sidewalk. This band has a very special place in my heart and in my head. I wish there was a couple of more minutes of video on the 2000 Earth Day gig.
Yeah this Tues. Jan. 15th will be a night of Classic Philly Rock with the American Dream.
Plus a Johnny’s Dance Band reunion.
As for our Earth Day gig, I have to look for that I make a DVD.
Do you know what time the American Dream will perform, please?
American Dream mini set should hit between 9:30 / 9:45
as part of the Last Minute Jam @ the Legendary Dobbs.
304 South Street, Phila. PA 19147
I saw the American Dream at the first Earth Day Be-In at Belmont Plateau in Fairmont Park 1968(?) They were great as I remember, very visual
these guys were part of my first ever rock concert featuring the Doors at the old Philadelphia Arena at 45th and Market in Aug of 1968. They didnt hit the stage until well after midnight, AFTER the Doors set(!!)..Like Gordon, I also saw them at Earth Day on Belmont Plateau, along with an R&B group called Mandrill
In April it will be 3 years since Don Ferris passed away. He would love it that people still remember the songs and the band. Merry Christmas to all of you AD fans!
For some reason I was just playing I anin’t searchin on my guitar. We played it in my band in 1970 or so. Did not remember the band but I believe I saw American Dream at The Main Point or Second Fret. I must have learned song from the record. Great memories. I am 61 YOA
I’d like to once again suggest a tribute concert. April is a good time. This time, I have the band and the firepower to lead the way. This band is a Philly institution and always will be. We’re in the middle of studio sessions for the next album, but we can put it together before we take off for our East Coast tour in the summer. Shelley, I ask your blessings and tell you that if you say go, I’ll start work on it this very day and Janet Bressler will lead the way in the music.
GaryC, April is a great time. Don Ferris died in April and he would be happy. Thank you. I will never forget the sweet tender man who will always be in my heart. Can never be replaced.
Shelley, thank you. I didn’t realize I hadn’t been on the site for a while; for some reason I stopped getting notices. I just saw where some other musicians paid homage to the band and Don. Please know that I make sure to update this site and keep you abreast of the plans. Can you see my e-mail address?
GaryC, no I cannot see your email address. I do get notifications from this site. Thank you for your kindness. Don passed away April 27, 2011/
Shelley, I sent a Facebook message to you with my e-mail address.
If you are thinking of a concert, I would like to head the entertainment as I have been playing drums for the Dream since the passing of my good friend Brooks.
But WE need to look into this more… I need to talk to Wink about the idea first.
Thank you!
George, first of all my deepest apologies to you and Wink and everybody. For some reason, I stopped getting notices from this site, and thought it was dormant. I make it a habit to go to social media sites at the time I get email notifications and I keep just about all of the emails so I can search them for info. I had hoped there would have been a tribute concert, honestly, because of my own personal reasons to experience the Dream again. It was clumsy and stupid of me for not even paging back up to see that here had been some activity at Dobbs. Please know that I will love all of the band members new and old and remain one of your BIGGEST, most loyal and very stupid fan. I won’t even blame it on second hand smoke (because I never inhaled). Even if my email notices were not there, that’s no excuse. I should have done the easy research first. Can’t blame it on a week without power here in Willow Grove, in which I had only limited WIFI. I just screwed up, especially at a time when I’m trying to promote a band. I spoke with the band about this, we are standing down, but some will certainly attend as enthusiastic fans. Philly has plenty of fine musicians that YOU (with all respect) will choose. Please, at some point, forgive me for my hasty, crappy effort put together at 3:18am (still not an excuse). I look forward to hearing about any plans for any talks about the American You have my permission to write nasty things about me on Heshey’s wall and even mug me en masse in the alley. I won’t even fight back. Once again, George, Wink, and Shelley, I’m sorry. Shelley and Heshey have my contact info if you want to clear this site for future news and plans.
what a trip down memory lane. Went out with Mickey a few times before he was with Alice. Know Wink and Nicky from school
Being a huge Todd Rundgren fan since I was a kid I like to find things he’s been associated with or produced. After some research I think this is the first band he produced professionally. I found a sweet copy of the original album on Ebay a few years back and count it among my favorite finds. In case anyone is looking to score a copy there are lots of reissue copies out there but a few original copies as well. This one is particularly nice looking for the price: Enjoy!!
I’ve checked up on this thread from time to time over the years. I grew up in Philly, only saw AD once (at the Earth Day show at Belmont with Seatrain), but man, did I love that album. I played in a band called Bolt that used to play at Hecate’s Circle and later (after a name change to Up All Night) became the house band at Dobbs throughout 1976-77 (once Thorogood got signed to Rounder and moved on), and the AD album got played to death at our band house.
Nice to see so many others remember them fondly. It’s still a mystery to me why that band never got the recognition they so richly deserved. Cheers, Happy Holidays, and thanks to all who have posted their memories here.
I have photos from 1970 at a Warehouse NOLA—- DON FERRIS if you would like them
I have photos from 1970 at a Warehouse NOLA—- DON FERRIS if you would like them of the band American Dream
Bobby, Sorry to tell you, Don Ferris passed away from Cancer in April of 2011. I would love to see the pictures and share them with other fans on facebook.
Paul Scull
If you read this site … Do you remember the Warehouse on Quarry St?
Does any one remember the second fret
Does any one remember the second fret club…
Does anyone remember the second fret club…
Saw the American Dream in 1968 at the old Philly Arena on Market street. They played after the Doors set late in the evening. You could say the Doors opened for them!
The American Dream played at our Senior Prom at the old Holiday Inn on City Line Ave in Phila-Bala Cynwd. Tore it up… I ran into Van Winkle in the mid-90’s at Kat-Man-Do on the River – he was playing lead guitar for the Soul Survivors and reminded him of that gig… Hilarious…
I remember Nicky coming over to Tommy Tomzaks apartment and playing his song ideas back in the 70’s. I replaced the drummer when he left the “soul explanation four” to join the American Dream. Joey mroz was the keyboardist . We called ourselves the Magna-Five. Fred
I also grew up on the same street as Mickey Brooks. I was just a very young girl,and of course had a huge crush on him. He was the nicest guy. Loved listening him play in his driveway.we used to go and sit in the driveway and just watch him play. Sad to here Gibby passed away also. I was so very upset when he passed. I do remember the Sand Trap, although I was too young to go, also remeber len’s feed bag and Flossy!! . My husband found the cd a few years ago for me and I was so thrilled!!! Bought back so many good and sad memories. . It’s nice reading things about them
I grew up in Mayfair and this band was just a little before my time. I heard a lot about them from my older sister and saw Winkle play with “In the Pocket†a few times. Would like to hear some history of where these guys met and how they got together. Great album!
Sad to report that Nicky Indelicato passed away yesterday in Philadelphia. He will always be remembered as the talented and comedic frontman for this pioneering legendary band.
Rest In Peace Nicky Indelicato meet you on the Other Side..
I just got the album. I grew up in Tacony. What street did Nicky live on and what high school did he go to? Playing album with my son tonight. Love this music and wish I had known the group.
Does anyone know there will be anymore rising storm podcasts?
Just found this site So sad the guys aren’t all with us because what a reunion tour that would be. Mickey was friend with my sister Donna Mazzafro (Linden Avenue) and borrowed her crutches when he got into a car accident one time Good guy. I hung out at Floss’ as a young kid. Best hoagies in the Northeast! Always remember Can’t get to heaven on the Frankfort El!
Freaking out over this site! Mickey was my uncle and I really looked up to him. He forever got me into drums. And after reading Howard’s post, damn if I’dont remember him on crutches, although I was so damn young. Been listening to Cadillac for like 50 yrs now and it never gets old…still close w my aunt Alice and My cousin.. can anyone send any pics of band or Mickey? Really appreciate it. some great stories on here. I once heard they played penny pack park and were having tech problems so my uncle went out and tore the drums up for everyone in the meantime and the place went nuts!!
My email would help.
Thank you all
Does anyone here know the name of the manager for American Dream? Not Albert Grossman but a younger guy who worked for AG. I have an interview he did with Bobby Charles and he tells BC that he managed American Dream for AG. Thanks!
Paul Fishkin was their manager.
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I first saw the Dream play at Reading City Park 1969-70 and a later version at a high school football stadium in nearby Saint Lawrence in Berks County in the early 70s. Nick Jameson produced Foghat’s Fool For the City album and played bass, replacing original member, Tony Stevens, who was tired of touring. Nick’s disco-ish funky bass playing was featured on their hit “Slow Ride”. Craig MacGregor then took over the bass position in the band. He once told me that he hated playing “Slow Ride” because it wasn’t his style and the band would often play an extended version in their live shows.