The Melvilles “The Melvilles”

This is the first post in years. I began writing and talking about these 60s rock bands because of groups like Moby Grape. Moby Grape could effortlessly play any style of music you care to name and do it all extremely well. Whether it was country, blues, psychedelia, folk, or rock n roll, these musicians had a knack for making music that sounded natural and heartfelt.
The Melvilles was actually Moby Grape under a different name. These recordings were a cassette only release from 1989/1990 (Herman Records). Skip Spence wrote one track, the anthemic All of My Life but I’m not sure he plays on this disc. Regardless, all five original members had some involvement in this project. Don’t let the late 80s recording date put you off from listening to this album, the music is mostly excellent. You’ll Never Know, Bitter Wind in Tanganika, and Nighttime Rider recall the folk-rock tracks from their classic debut and are highlights in that respect. Give It Hell, a hard hitting slice of garage rock written by Jerry Miller, holds up very well. Miller never received his due as one of the best SF guitarists but he’s clearly in that pantheon of legends. Take a listen to On The Dime, a cool relaxed country rock number with lots of classy guitar playing. Also, as a reference point, this is a much better album than the Dead’s Into the Dark, which was released around the same time.
This music originally came out on cassette but it was also released on vinyl by Del-Val and on CD by DIG MUSIC (as “Legendary Grape”). The Del Val vinyl release is the best way to hear this fine music.
On The Dime
You’ll Never Know
Vinyl | 1990 | Del-Val | amazon ]
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Thanks for the post, keeping the rss feed for this site around was a good decision ^^
Very glad to read you after all this year. Long live the rising storm!
Welcome back! Have had your site in my bookmarks list since what 2010? something like that always enjoyed your reviews, and the mixtapes. Especially the MixTapes!
Cheers, obey-gravity
Glad you’re back. Found this site a few months back and have been inspired to add many albums to my collection. Thanks
Looks like a cassette to look out for. The Grape do not often come up any more. Cassettes from the ‘80s are holding up well. Putting a little attention into my old blog too. Not sure if it is rusting or fading away.